Forex trading enables many people around the world to earn good money working just several hours a day. It does also cost some traders a lot money to. Every day we can hear the sad stories from the people, who lost their last money because there wasn’t enough care taken in learning to trade.
Some think the only way to succeed in foreign currency trading is to use automated forex trading system. Whilst this is one way it is not the only way obviously mechanical forex trading systems are very useful too.
You should already know that the automated or mechanical forex trading system design is not easy and can often be sophisticated software based using difficult mathematical algorithms. Forex trading systems can be much more simple than manual trading system to trade but to design not so easy.
Designing a forex trading system whether is its manual or automatic requires trading knowledge, trading experience, a logical thought process and an open mind. You will find when creating your own trading system you will go through many emotions and you will one minute think you have cracked the game of forex and then next all your new found hopes will be dashed.
But stick with it. Using some form of forex trading system will definitely help you become a more consistent trader. It will also make it easy to spot when your trading method is not working and you should stop trading it. Discretionary trading will always leave you with ‘ifs’ ‘buts’ and ‘maybe’ type questions.
Having a trading system will give you confidence in your trading. You will have some historical/backtest data to support your system idea. You should, if done properly, also have some forward testing data to backup you forex trading system.
This means that when it comes to entering a trade you are very confident in what you are doing and what the probably out come will be. This will also make taking losses much easier to stomach. Once you can master taking a loss and it not letting it effect your trading you are half way there.
In my opinion a trader using a self created (not a forex robot) forex trading system will be a discretionary trader any day of the week.